Thoughts from the Teens
Our ReTribe Gardens
Capital Campaign
Giving Page
Do you need a tax deduction?
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If you are not benefited by a tax-deduction.
If you wish to pay by check:
Please make the check out to ReTribe and mail it to our address:
14 Maple Leaf Farm Rd
Underhill, VT 05489
If you wish to donate directly to ReTribe online through PayPal:
Just remember that when you make an online donation, PayPal will take 2.9%.
Feel free to contact us about making a personal or business donation.
Our fiscal sponsor, The Strong Youth Foundation, gives donors the option of making tax-deductible donations.
For tax-deductible donations by check:
Make checks out to Strong Youth Foundation, with memo saying "ReTribe Capital Campaign" and mail to:
Strong Youth
R. Scott Lee, Ph.D.
POB 611
Chattanooga, TN 37401
For tax-deductible online donations:
Just remember that when you make an online donation, PayPal will take 2.9%
Jumping for joy in the sunset on our new land!
Thank you for your generosity!