Girls Coming of Age

Coming of Age
Girls ages 11 - 14
3:30pm - 4:30pm
5 Thursdays on Zoom
Begins Thursday, May 7
Cost $75.
Join a small group of 11-14 year old girls on our zoom girls circle. We will create a space for girls to share deeply with one another and form close bonds with others their age. ReTribe founder and mentor Julia Hunt will provide information where needed and facilitate topics of discussion, bonding activities, songs, and sharing.
We hold space for girls to learn and ask questions about changing bodies, sexuality, and about what it means for them to become a woman. These friendships can help carry them through the turbulent years of their adolescence.

ReTribe changed my life! It has helped me come to terms with who I am inside.
Being able to talk about personal stuff and not be judged.
The cuddle piles make me understand that not all touch is sexual.