We hope you will join us in celebration and connection here at NorthernShire!
Saturday June 7, 2025
1 - 9pm
Our celebrations will take place rain or shine. If there is wet weather, we will offer outdoor and indoor work options, we will likely light the sauna in the evening to warm up and then share our potluck indoors.
We hold these events twice per year, typically on the 1st or 2nd Saturday in June
and the 3rd Saturday in October.
Our bi-annual work and play parties are an opportunity for those living on the land here to host our wider community including our Forest School, Afterschool and Day Camp families, our vibrant teen community, adults from our variety of adult programming, and our friends, neighbors and family!
Whether you have never been here before and are curious to meet us and connect with the land, or you are a dear friend who spends time with us often, we welcome you all to join us.
We will spend a few hours connecting through work around the land. In the early evening we’ll light a big fire together, sing, celebrate and share a potluck feast.
We encourage you to come for any or all of the event. Feel free to show up just for the evening celebrations or come earlier
to join in the work.
Most importantly, we look forward to connecting and spending time together!

1 - 4 Work Projects & Playful Activities
4 - 5:30 Explore the Land, Meet Community, Wrap Up Projects
5:30 Fire Lighting & Potluck Dinner
All are welcome to stay and celebrate with songs and stories around the fire into the evening.
We hope to see you here!