Come spend two weeks of your summer at the foot of Mt Mansfield exploring the land and your inner landscape. Having fun with friends, moving our bodies, calming our minds and exploring the great outdoors. The teenage years can be very confusing but there are many simple, time-tested traditions to help us find our center and clarify our vision. What makes us happy and feel good? What sort of culture do we want to create and be a part of? Diving deep into the mystery to find some pearls of wisdom.
Take part in the invitation to share deeply with a small group of peers, learn mindfulness meditation, yoga, breathwork, play games including capture the flag with foam swords and lots of other wild fun! Our retreats include a variety of optional activities and workshops including improvisational theater, poetry, drumming, dancing, dream interpretation, journeying, wilderness skills, handcraft arts, and more.
July 20 - August 3, 2025
Overnight Retreat
Ages 14 - 19​
NorthernShire, Underhill VT
Sliding Scale: $1650 - $1850
Early Bird Special: $50 off if you sign up before February 15!
Scholarships available
Inner Journeys
Teen Rite of Passage Retreat
94% of cultures worldwide and throughout history have provided their adolescents with a Rite of Passage experience to help, not only celebrate their move from childhood to adulthood, but to create the psychological state change that is necessary for this maturation. Using wisdom from other cultures, we've created an updated, modern version of this process, complete with the necessary 'threshold' experiences that allow this psychological healing and growth.

Mindfulness meditation
Small group sharing
Trance dance
Shamanic journey
Gender workshops
Wilderness solo
Watermelon water polo
Bardic circle + dance
Cuddle piles
Eating jelly
and more...
Nature Immersion
While all of our retreats help connect teens to the natural world, our nature immersion retreats are specifically focused on this process. Teens spend much of their time in the woods, learning survival skills, and learning nature awareness based meditation techniques. After having been given the necessary tools the teens spend up to 24 hours alone in the woods with only mentors checking in at intervals, followed by a community steam lodge. Both of these activities will help induce a transformational state of consciousness.
During Breathwork retreats, we use a therapeutic modality that uses full and deep breathing as a means of healing and transformation. An energy charge is created in the body, and as the energy disperses, it serves to release, or to cleanse blockages, both physical and emotional. Possible experiences include resolution and release of current problems and unresolved childhood wounds, birth memories, past life remembrances, encounters with archetypes (gods and goddesses etc.), nature identification (i.e. the experience of being a tiger or a mountain), transcendence of time or space, and direct experiences of the primordial vibration in the form of inner light or music, and deep peace.
The process is gentle, safe, and loving, and most people have a deep, moving, and transformational experience. Breathwork is also quite healthy for the body. Breathers are fully conscious and in control throughout their experience. Breathwork has been shown to help with stress and anxiety management, chronic tension, respiratory problems, trauma and PTSD, emotional release, weight and body issues, relationship and birth issues, and self esteem, and frequently can provide a direct spiritual experience.
Find out why
ReTribe works. Read more about research on our unique programming and the modalities
we incorporate.
My child felt strongly connected to the other ReTribe participants. She felt comfortable, accepted and seen at ReTribe.